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Spirit Animals


A spirit animal is a characterised messenger or teacher that comes to us in the form of an animal and can have a personal relationship to us.

Other names used are, spirit helpers, power animals,,animal guides, animal helpers or spirit allies.

You can have one or several spirit animals throughout your your life journey.


*Pay close attention to your dreams, our dreams are connected to our waking lives intimately so every time you see an animal in your dreams have a dream journal and a pen at hand

so you can write it down. There may be an animal which shows itself continually in your dreams, this is a sign for you to take notice of this particular animal as it very well could be your spirit animal.

*Have a think about your past connections to certain animals, while growing up, a beloved pet ,a wild animal you saw at the zoo or ,a mythical creature from a book or movie may have been your spirit animal.

*Sit down in a quiet room, take some deep breaths in and out and get yourself into a relaxed state, then think about an animal that has. A special significance to you, then ask yourself, if this animal was my spirit animal, what lessons may it be attempting go teach me about my inner strength and personal power?

Spend as long as you need journalling your answer.

*Repeat and complete this exercise a multitude of times for as many different animals as you wish, after a few days return to your journal and see which animals and lessons resonate and connect the most with you.

*If you have spent a considerable amount of time dreaming, tuning in and ruminating and still don’t know which animal most resonates with you, there are many quizzes available on line which may give you more ideas.

Do your research about different types of animals that take your interest too, this may help you, take notice of animals or birds you may see frequently, generally they are there to give you a message of some sort.

*Start listening to your spirit animal once you have identified it, we can learn so much about ourselves, they are thought to emit the strengths and traits that we should be honouring more in our lives at a certain point in time.

Be well aware that your spirit animal may change over the years and different ones will turn up for different reasons to assist us throughout our life journey .


By Debra Rechter Psychic Bendigo

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